IPHE〈International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy〉
IPHE〈International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy〉
IPHEは、2003年に「The International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy」として発足したが、2009年に名称を「The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy(IPHE)」に変更した。
IPHE(International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy)
水素エネルギーシステム Vol.31, No.1 (2006)
IEA・国際共同研究 関連用語集
- AD〈Anaerobic Digestion〉
- AFIR〈Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation〉
- APS〈Announced Pledges Scenario〉
- BaaS〈Battery-as-a-service〉
- BECCS〈Bioenergy equipped with CCUS〉
- BRT〈Bus rapid transit〉
- CAFE〈Corporate average fuel economy standards〉
- CA-LCFS〈California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard〉
- CAPEX〈Capital Expenditure cost〉
- CBios〈Decarbonisation Credits〉
- CCUS〈Carbon capture, utilisation and storage〉
- CEM H₂I〈Clean Energy Ministerial Hydrogen Initiative〉
- CHP〈Combined heat and power〉
- CPO〈Charging point operator〉
- CPS〈Current Policies Scenario〉
- DAC〈Direct air capture〉
- EAFO 〈European Alternative Fuels Observatory〉
- EPA 〈Environmental Protection Agency〉
- ERS 〈Electric road systems〉
- ETS〈Emissions Trading System〉
- EVI 〈Electric Vehicle Initiative〉
- FAME〈Fatty Acid Methyl Ester〉
- FiT〈Feed-in tariff〉
- GHG〈Greenhouse gases〉
- GWP〈Global warming potential〉
- HEFA〈Hydrogenated esters and fatty acids〉
- HVO〈Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils〉
- H₂-DRI〈Hydrogen-based direct reduced iron〉
- ICCT〈International Council on Clean Transportation〉
- IGCC〈Integrated gasification combined-cycle〉
- IIJA〈Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act〉
- ILUC〈Indirect Land Use Change〉
- IPCC〈Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change〉
- IPHE〈International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy〉
- IRA〈Inflation Reduction Act〉
- ITF〈International Transport Forum〉
- LCA〈Life cycle analysis / Life cycle assessment〉
- LCFS〈Low carbon Fuel Standard〉
- LFP〈Lithium iron phosphate〉
- LOHC〈Liquid organic hydrogen carrier〉
- MCS〈Megawatt Charging System〉
- MEPS〈Minimum energy performance standards〉
- NDC〈Nationally Determined Contribution〉
- NZE〈Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario〉
- NCA〈Lithium nickel cobalt aluminium oxide〉
- NEV〈New energy vehicle〉
- NMC〈Lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide〉
- NMCA〈Lithium nickel manganese cobalt aluminium oxide〉
- OPEX〈Operational Expenditure cost〉
- PLI〈Production Linked Incentive〉
- PPP〈Purchasing power parity〉
- RED〈Renewable Energy Directive〉
- SAF〈Sustainable aviation fuel〉
- SCM〈Supplementary cementitious material〉
- SDGs〈Sustainable Development Goals〉
- STEPS〈Stated Policies Scenario〉
- STF〈Sustainable Transport Forum〉
- TEN-T〈Trans-European network-transport〉
- TRL〈Technology Readiness Level〉
- VALCOE〈Value-adjusted levelised cost of electricity〉
- VRE〈Variable renewable energy〉
- WACC〈Weighted average cost of capita〉
- WTW〈Well-to-wheel〉
- ZEBRA〈Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas〉
- ZCRB〈Zero carbon-ready building〉
- ZEV〈Zero-emission vehicle〉
- 2℃ Scenario〈RCP2.6〉